About Us

Hobby MonstroCity was founded in 2013 in Florida.

The Brick & Mortar Store
The store opened in mid-2013 but after 4 years we decided to close it in 2017. The original purpose of the store was to support and encourage the local R/C community. As time progressed we realized that we were juggling too many things and that we didn’t have time to attend and promote races. We were always at the store. The dream is not dead though!

Our Online Presence
Throughout the years we’ve supported the hobby industry (and ourselves) by selling through multiple online mediums. Our main sales channel was eBay though we also sold items through Amazon, Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace. Our new E-Commerce site (you’re already here!) stems from our decision to become independent of these websites. The short version is that these companies, especially eBay and Amazon, are very expensive and in some cases take over 15% of the sale amount. That’s 15% we could be sharing with you!!

Art – The Monster Family
The Art you see at Hobby MonstroCity is created by our inhouse artist. The family consists of Mom & Dad, their tween daughter, Molly and their lovable (and also destructive) toddler son Murdoch. The Family also has 2 pets, Liz and … a beagle.

The Future of Hobby MonstroCity
The idea of a new store has been floated. The original store was a standard hobby shop with a selection of R/C products, trains, toys, etc. The new concept would be a warehouse-style store with tons of working displays. Think of it as a mash-up of a toy store, IKEA and Walt Disney World. You would enter the building, walk-through looking and interacting with displays, and then exit through the store!